Thank you seems like such a small word when compared to the school and instructors who have become our heroes. When we began this journey, we didn't quite know what to expect but now that we have come through the fire, we are grateful for everyone who helped us along the way.
Thank you to our amazing instructors; we couldn't have done it without you! Blaise, Lynn, Sydney, Jayna, and Will.
Thank you also to the NSS staff! Marla, Ashley, Zap, Madi, Jessica, Jeremiah, Laura, Mandy, and Kristin. You guys keep things
smoothly and we appreciate all of your hard work!
We are grateful for John Wark and his vision for Nashville Software School. We wouldn't be here
without you and we are grateful!
Finally, a huge thank you to Cody Clark, Jon Brooks, Stephanie Hamilton, Emma Vogelmeier, Joyce Zhang, Melody Barker and Candace Ntembo for planning and creating this site -- all while learning our server side technology!